
What Are Challenges When Aligning HR Initiatives With Business Objectives?

What Are Challenges When Aligning HR Initiatives With Business Objectives?

Aligning HR strategies with overarching business goals is a complex challenge that all HR professionals face. From HR Managers to CEOs, we've gathered five insightful responses that shed light on this delicate balance. Our experts discuss everything from aligning hiring with company mission to preventing burnout while driving innovation.

  • Aligning Hiring with Your Mission
  • Closing the Communication Gap
  • Demonstrating HR’s Impact on Company Success
  • Syncing Talent Planning with Growth
  • Preventing Burnout While Driving Innovation

Aligning Hiring with Your Mission

As a religious institution, Brigham Young University's unique mission is to 'assist individuals in their quest for perfection and eternal life.' The BYU library supports that mission by fostering the spiritual and intellectual growth of BYU students. Narrowing down the mission into actionable items can be both exciting and challenging. One way I have approached this challenge as an HR professional has been by asking, 'How will this candidate help to build the faith of our students?' during the search and hiring process. In this way, I help find candidates that both align with the mission of the university and fit well into the workplace culture.

Michelle Forstrom
Michelle ForstromHR Manager, BYU Library

Closing the Communication Gap

One challenge that I have faced has been the communication gap, which refers to the challenge of ensuring that HR initiatives are effectively communicated and understood by employees within the organization. To overcome this challenge, I have implemented a solution by publishing a weekly update on the company intranet, which includes HR updates. By leveraging the company intranet as a communication tool, this information is easily accessible to all employees, regardless of their location. It provides a regular cadence of updates through a consistent channel, which helps promote transparency and keeps employees engaged and informed. This publication serves to pave the way for two-way communication, so employees can ask questions, provide feedback, and share any concerns they may have related to the HR initiatives. It also helps our new employees get up to speed on HR-related matters. When employees have visibility into HR initiatives and upcoming changes, they feel included, and this, in turn, fosters trust and accountability. Ultimately, this approach has enhanced an open dialogue within our culture and effectively aligned HR initiatives with business objectives.

Nicole Rusnak
Nicole RusnakHR Business Partner, Rausch Sturm LLP

Demonstrating HR’s Impact on Company Success

In my journey, a big hurdle was showing how HR's efforts in areas like team happiness and skill growth actually fuel the company's success. At first, there was a bit of doubt from the top about whether these softer aspects had real business value.

I tackled this by diving into the data, linking things like employee satisfaction scores directly to our productivity and retention figures. It was like putting together a puzzle where suddenly the picture of HR's impact on our bottom line became clear.

Sharing these findings with our leadership turned the tide. It wasn't just about getting the nod for our initiatives; it was about proving HR's strategic role in pushing the company forward. This experience taught me the power of numbers in storytelling and brought HR closer to the heart of business strategy discussions.

Ana Alipat
Ana AlipatRecruitment Team Lead, Dayjob Recruitment

Syncing Talent Planning with Growth

One challenge we've encountered when aligning HR initiatives with our business objectives is ensuring that our talent acquisition strategies are in sync with our company's growth trajectory. At Venture Smarter, we're constantly evolving and expanding into new markets, which means our hiring needs are always shifting. To overcome this challenge, we've implemented a proactive approach to talent planning. Instead of reacting to immediate staffing needs, we regularly assess our long-term business goals and identify the skills and expertise required to achieve them. By staying ahead of the curve and continuously updating our recruitment strategies, we've been able to build a talented team that's well-equipped to drive our company forward.

Jon Morgan
Jon MorganCEO, Venture Smarter

Preventing Burnout While Driving Innovation

As a CEO in a fast-paced tech world, fostering a culture of innovation while preventing employee burnout was a big hurdle. High workloads can dampen creativity, which hampers our technological advancements. To counter this, we implemented 'Innovation Hours,' where employees can take time away from their usual projects to brainstorm, explore new ideas, or learn new skills. Not only did this boost morale and reduce burnout, but it also bred a culture of innovative thinking, which drastically benefited our tech evolution.

Abid Salahi
Abid SalahiCo-founder & CEO, FinlyWealth

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